

The Ultimate 100% Natural and Effective Fat Burner Designed Exclusively for Women

What is Trimtone?

Trimtone is an all-natural & effective fat burner supplement designed specifically for women. It’s designed with busy women in mind, as there’s no need to stick to a schedule. All you have to do is take one pill a day.

Why only for women?

Because it’s harder for women to lose weight as men do. 

Certain factors can make women take longer to lose weight as men which include:

  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Poor Metabolism
  • Pregnancy-Related Problems
  • Problems During Menopause

As you can see, it is not easy or almost impossible for women to lose weight with the usual slimming products available on the market today because they do not address the cause of severe weight gain. 

The manufacturers are aware that men and women lose weight differently. Moreover, scientific research shows that women have stronger food cravings. That’s where Trimtone comes to the rescue

Benefits of Trimtone

  • Trimtone formula contains 100% natural proven ingredients no fillers or nasties
  • Stimulates thermogenesis to help burn through even the most stubborn stored fat round-the-clock, to help lose weight and reach body goals quicker
  • Suppresses your appetite and reduces pesky hunger cravings
  • Powerful and easy-to-use one-a-day formula without unnecessary ingredients
  • Made in the US

Target Customer: Women 18 – 65, looking for additional help with natural products and no side effects for body fat and weight loss.

  • One-a-day formula designed for real women who want toget rid of cellulite, tone their body (arms, legs, tummy) and lose weight
  • boost their workout performance
  • generally boost confidence by improving their body image so they can feel and look at the top of their game

I’m a firm believer that to lose weight, you need to lose more calories than you intake. But, seeing the buzz that Trimtone has been generating, I’ve decided to research this fat burner for women.

Recently, there’s been a surge of fat burner supplements that are targeted at women. Trimtone quickly got to the top of this list. Trimtone is an all-natural fat burner supplement designed specifically for women.

Moreover, scientific research shows that women have stronger food cravings.

(1) Trimtone can help with this.

Trimtone fat burner suppresses cravings and appetite so that you can reach your weight goals.

It’s designed with busy women in mind, as there’s no need to stick to a schedule. All you have to do is take one pill a day.

Note: After doing my fair share of fat burner reviews, I’ve found that fat burners themselves won’t make you magically lose weight. You should adhere to an exercise schedule and be mindful of how many calories you intake. But, a fat burner can be of help on a weight loss journey. Weight loss supplements can support and potentially speed up the weight loss process.

How Does Trimtone Work?  

– Appetite Suppressant

I’ve already mentioned that studies say that women are more prone to food cravings than men. This becomes even worse when on a low-calorie diet.

This is why one of Trimtone’s ingredients is glucomannan, which helps you control how much you eat and stops you from wanting to snack between meals.

Lower food cravings mean less snacking, so you can get rid of the body fat and achieve your ideal weight easily.

– Triggers Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis happens when the internal body temperature increases. The body tries to cool down to baseline temperature by burning calories and turning fat into energy you can use.

When the body goes into thermogenesis, the metabolism is raised, which also helps burn calories.

Ingredients that help achieve this are caffeine and green coffee. They are proven to aid weight loss. 

(2– Energy Boost

Having more energy means you can go harder when you exercise.

Trimtone can help you have more energy due to a mix of ingredients. In Trimtone, you get a high dose of caffeine. This will keep you alert and energetic throughout the day.

Click Here to buy Trimtone (Official Website)

Trimtone Fat Burner Ingredients

I was happy to see that Trimtone’s label is transparent. All ingredients used to help the fat-burning process are clearly listed, so you can see exactly what you’re taking. Moreover, there aren’t any proprietary blends, which is always a plus.

Trimtone uses five ingredients, all of which are scientifically proven to burn fat and help weight loss.


Caffeine is one of the ingredients most commonly found in fat burners because of its potent appetite suppression properties.

Caffeine can boost metabolism, and the body burns calories faster. It triggers thermogenesis lipolysis — the breakdown of fat. 

(3) Caffeine is a performance enhancer that will give you energy and boost your mood, focus, and cognition. Caffeine can help you perform better by 11%, and you’ll lose fat faster by exercising more.

A Trimtone capsule has 120mg of caffeine which amounts to a little more than a morning cup of coffee.

Note: If you’re sensitive to caffeine, this may affect you negatively.

Green Coffee

Green coffee is coffee that hasn’t been roasted, which is why it has antioxidant effects. Moreover, coffee that hasn’t been roasted hasn’t lost chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid is important because it reduces fat absorption and can help regulate blood sugar levels by lowering insulin and improving metabolism. 

(4)  Like caffeine, green coffee bean extract also helps trigger thermogenic action, which contributes to burning calories and losing weight.

Trimtone has 100mg of green coffee per capsule.

Green Tea

Another ingredient that many fat burners have is green tea extract.

Green tea is rich in catechins, which are antioxidants that prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and fat from the gut. This means the body will have fewer calories to convert into fat, which helps you lose weight.

“When the green tea extract goes into the body, the antioxidants and caffeine enter the cells and help the body burn calories and fat.” -Liana Werner-Gray, a health and nutrition coach

Moreover, green tea doesn’t only help with fat loss, but it can help prevent weight gain once you stop dieting.

(5)  Green tea is also a source of caffeine which can boost exercise performance.

Trimtone diet pills have 100mg of green tea per serving.


Glucomannan is also a popular ingredient in every fat burner for women.

It’s also known as a Konjac root. It’s a dietary fiber that absorbs water and expands in the stomach. This creates a feeling of fullness which suppresses the appetite and hunger cravings.

Glucomannan makes the body breakdown the fat to have enough energy.

Did you know? Trimtone uses high-quality glucomannan to avoid bloating and gas, which are common side effects when trying to lose weight.

“When consumed, glucomannan “sponges” up water in the digestive tract, reducing the absorption of carbs and cholesterol and thus supporting weight loss. This supplement also makes you feel full without leaving you gassy or bloated.” -Mehmet Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon

How effective glucomannan is, shows a study which found that people can lose 5 pounds in 8 weeks without dieting.

Trimtone diet pills support weight loss by containing 100 mg of glucomannan per serving.

Grains of Paradise

Grains of paradise is a new ingredient for fat burners, but it also belongs to natural ingredients. This herb belongs to the ginger family, and it’s significant because it can activate Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT).

BAT makes the body burn more calories and helps lower blood sugar levels.

BAT also prevents energy levels from fluctuating, so you don’t have to deal with cravings.

Grains of paradise also increase thermogenesis, which helps in fat burning through a faster metabolism.

Trimtone has 40mg of grains of paradise in a capsule. A study showed that women who had 30mg for four weeks were able to decrease belly fat.

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of TrimTone?


  • Trimtone contains only natural, clinically proven ingredients

  • Powerful thermogenic formula
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Reduce fat absorption
  • Maintains blood sugar levels which help have fewer food cravings
  • Helps the body get rid of the bad cholesterol by limiting fat absorption from the gut
  • 100-day money-back guarantee
  • Worldwide shipping


  • Only available online on the official website
  • High price
  • Not vegan or vegetarian friendly because it comes in a gelatin-based capsule
  • Not suited for caffeine-sensitive people
  • Highly stimulated

How to Take Trimtone?

Trimtone is one of the diet supplements that are easiest to take — 

one capsule once a day.

For best weight loss results, take a capsule in the morning before having breakfast with a glass of water.

Possible Side Effects

This is one of the best dietary supplements on the market. It has natural ingredients, which are scientifically proven to aid fat burning and fat loss.

But, after a careful Trimtone review, I have to point out that this is a highly stimulated product. Yes, it’s made for women’s weight loss specifically, but women can be sensitive to certain stimulants.

For example, the Trimtone formula has 120 mg of caffeine, which comes to a little more than one cup of coffee. With 100 mg of green coffee and 100 mg of green tea, this amounts to about 320 mg of caffeine. The recommended daily intake for a healthy adult is 40 0mg of caffeine.

If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you may experience side effects such as:

  • Jitters
  • Energy crashes
  • Upset stomach
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

To avoid the side effects, limit how much caffeine you’re getting from other sources, or avoid drinks and food with caffeine altogether when taking Trimtone.

PhenGold weight loss tablets are the optimal solution to lose weight and increase your energy levels simultaneously. 

These diet tablets are formulated with caffeine, Capsimax powder, and other ingredients to motivate you throughout the day. You will experience increased vitality and workout performance, which is essential for diet plan adherence.  

Where to Buy Timtone?

You can buy Trimtone directly from the official website.

Don’t buy from third parties to avoid getting stuck with a fake product.

Also, when you buy on the official website, you get a 100% guarantee on every order. This means if you’re not happy with the product, you can return it after 100 days — which is a much longer period than other fat burners offer — and you’ll get your money back.

Trimtone Cost

Trimtone is at the more expensive end of the weight loss supplements. But, the more you buy, the better value you get.

If you go for some of the bundles, you’ll get additional boxes. This is a good deal because if the fat burner works for you, you’ll probably use it over a long period. So, a bundle package with a free box will have you covered for months.

Each box contains 30 pills.

Here are the purchase options:

The more you buy, the more you’ll save.

1 month supply — $49.95

2 month supply + 1 free box — $99.90

3 month supply + 2 free boxes — $149.85

About Swiss Research Labs Limited

Swiss Research Labs Limited manufactures Trimtone. Don’t let the name fool you. Trimtone fat burner is made in the UK and USA.

Swiss Research Labs Limited is a well-known name in the weight loss supplement industry. They’ve been operating since 1999.

The company is known for manufacturing natural health supplements and uses only natural ingredients.

Studies & Clinical Trials


Caffeine promotes fat burning by increasing thermogenesis


Astrup, A., Toubro, S., Cannon, S., Hein, P., Breum, L. & Madsen, J. (1990): ‘Caffeine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers’. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990 May;51(5):759-67. PMID: 2333832


Caffeine and its effects in the reduction of the body fat mass and body fat percentage Kobayashi-Hattori, K., Mogi, A., Matsumoto, Y. & Takita, T. (2005): ‘Effect of caffeine on the body fat and lipid metabolism of rats fed on a high-fat diet’. Bioscience, biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2005 Nov;69(11):2219-23. PMID 16306706


Caffeine can promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction Tabrizi, R., Saneei, P., Lankarani, K.B., Akbari, M., Kolahdooz, F., Esmaillzadeh, A., Nadi-Ravandi, S., Mazoochi, M. & Asemi, Z. (2019): ‘The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials’. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019;59(16):2688-2696. PMID 30335479


Caffeine improves exercise performance by up to 11.2% Doherty, M. & Smith, P.M. (2005): ‘Effects of caffeine ingestion on rating of perceived exertion during and after exercise: a meta‐analysis’. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 005 Apr;15(2):69-78. PMID 15773860